مشاريع التخرج - مرض الطاعون
عنوان المشروعمرض الطاعون
المشرف على المشروعم.م شهد فلاح عباس حسن
العام الدراسي2020-2021
تقديم الطالبعمر سليم داود
ملخص Plague is primarily a wildlife disease hat occasionally spills over to the human population, resulting in seasonal surges in human cases and localised outbreaks. Ancient plague epidemics greatly reduced the European population. The mortality rate was estimated at 50% over 6 months in urban communities such as Marseille . However, the aetiology of these outbreaks remained unknown until the end of the 19th century, when Alexandre Yersin, a Franco-Swiss researcher from the Institut Pasteur, discovered for the first time the bacterium by investigating the plague epidemic in Hong Kong in 1894