مشاريع التخرج - ذبابه ال tse tse
عنوان المشروع | ذبابه ال tse tse |
المشرف على المشروع | م.م شهد فلاح عباس حسن |
العام الدراسي | 2020-2021 |
تقديم الطالب | علي ستار جبار |
و الطالب | مصطفى ثامر رزاق |
ملخص | That occur only in Africa and transmit sleeping sickness in humans. They also transmit asimilar disease called nagana in domestic animals. * They range from 6 to 16 mm in length with colour varying from yellowish brown to dark brown. Tsetse are similar to other large flies, such as the housefly. |