مشاريع التخرج - منتجات النحل واهميته الطبية
عنوان المشروع | منتجات النحل واهميته الطبية |
المشرف على المشروع | م.م شهد فلاح عباس حسن |
العام الدراسي | 2020-2021 |
تقديم الطالب | ايه اياد نايف |
و الطالب | رغد محمد عبد الجبار |
ملخص | Bee honey is a main ingredient in traditional food culture in different regions of the world. Honey is widely utilized as an ethnic food item The queen honey bee is fundamental to a colony’s survival and function. She is the only member of the hive capable of producing more female offspring to keep the colony going. The honey bee group includes several types of bees, the most famous of which is the European honey bee (scientific name: Apis mellifera), in addition to eight other species that inhabit Asia, Europe, and Africa, and the kingdom of honey bees includes three types of individuals, they are the queen, the female workers, and the males. |