مشاريع التخرج - Characterization of Enterotoxogenic E.coli
عنوان المشروعCharacterization of Enterotoxogenic E.coli
المشرف على المشروعم.د.مختار جواد كاظم
العام الدراسي2020-2021
تقديم الطالب محمد خالد جاسم
و الطالبصفاء عادل حميد
و الطالبنور الهدى شاكر عباس
ملخصETEC strains are a worldwide cause of acute diarrheal disease in both human and animals, responsible for a high rate of infantile mortality in the developing countries. They are also an important agent of diarrhea among travelers from industrialized countries visiting tropical or subtropical areas of the world. Two virulence attributes that characterize ETEC are the colonization of the small intestine surface and the production of enterotoxins that induce a net secretion of electrolytes and water into the gut lumen. The enterotoxins produced by these organisms belong to two major classes of heat-labile and heatstable toxins (LT and ST, respectively), that differed in regard to structure, antigenicity and mechanisms of action.