مشاريع التخرج - Review in types ,symptoms causes of hemochromatosis
عنوان المشروع | Review in types ,symptoms causes of hemochromatosis |
المشرف على المشروع | أ.م مروة عباس عبد الرزاق حمد كبة |
العام الدراسي | 2020-2021 |
تقديم الطالب | دعاء هاني عبيد |
و الطالب | يوسف بشارمحمد |
و الطالب | عبد الله حيدر احمد |
ملخص | reditary hemochromatosis should also be tested. Early testing .and treatment can help to prevent complications The most common treatment of hereditary hemochromatosis ● is removal of blood (phlebotomy), which lowers the iron level. Blood removal is similar to the process of donating blood. It is usually done once per week until the iron levels are normal. This may require 9 to 12 months of weekly blood removal. After that, iron levels are measured with a blood test every month or two, blood removal is done every two to four months to manage the iron level. Treatment is usually needed for a .lifetime People with hemochromatosis do not need to follow a special ● diet. Iron supplements and vitamin C supplements should be avoided. Drinking alcohol occasionally (one or two drinks per week) is probably safe unless the person has liver disease (cirrhosis or hepatitis). Raw fish products should not be .consumed |