م.د علي محمد رضا مراد

م.د علي محمد رضا مراد
Dr. Ali M. R. Murad Al-Fendi
دكتوراة/طب بيطري/احياء مجهرية
الاسم :
م.د علي محمد رضا مرادName :
Dr. Ali M. R. Murad Al-Fendiالشهادة :
دكتوراة/طب بيطري/احياء مجهريةUniversity degree :
القسم :
قسم طب الاسنانالوضيفة :
مستقيلعدد البحوث المنشورة :
6 بحثالكتب والمؤلفات :
0 مؤلف
- SARS-CoV-2 viral shedding and susceptibility: perspectives on gender and asymptomatic patients
- [PDF] from asm.org Complete genome sequence of lytic bacteriophage VPUSM 8 against O1 El Tor Inaba Vibrio cholerae
- Isolation and Molecular Characterisation of Bacteriophages from Environmental Sources: Towards the Development of Phage-based Therapy for Vibrio Cholerae
- Isolation and characterization of lytic vibriophage against Vibrio cholerae O1 from environmental water samples in Kelantan, Malaysia
- Prevalence of colorectal cancer associated with Streptococcus bovis among inflammatory bowel and chronic gastrointestinal tract disease patients
- Histopathologic and scanning electron microscopic observations of changes in experimental colonic tumors induced by Streptococcus bovis and chemical carcinogenesis