الأستاذ المتمرس الدكتور وليد حميد يوسف سندال النصيري

الأستاذ المتمرس الدكتور وليد حميد يوسف سندال النصيري
ُEmeritus Prof. Dr. Waleed Hameed Yousif Sindal Al-Nussairi
دكتوراه / علوم الحياة/فسلجة الحيوان
الاسم :
الأستاذ المتمرس الدكتور وليد حميد يوسف سندال النصيريName :
ُEmeritus Prof. Dr. Waleed Hameed Yousif Sindal Al-Nussairiالشهادة :
دكتوراه / علوم الحياة/فسلجة الحيوانUniversity degree :
Ph.Dالقسم :
قسم علوم الحياةالوضيفة :
مستقيلعدد البحوث المنشورة :
70 بحثالكتب والمؤلفات :
13 مؤلف
- Immunohistochemical expression of CD44 as cancer stem cells marker in a sample of Iraqi patients with colorectal carcinoma.
- The effectiveness of extract of the seed of pomegranate in healing the wound induced in rabbits skin
- Immunohistochemical expression of CD24 as cancer stem cells marker in a sample of Iraqi women with breast carcinoma
- Immunohistochemical expression of CD133 as cancer stem cells marker in a sample of Iraqi patients with colorectal carcinoma
- The relationship Between SLC2A9 gene variants (rs16890979 and rs1014290) and Serum uric acid and creatinine concentrations in some of Iraqi gout Patients
- TCF7L2 rs12255372 in Some of the Iraqi type 2 diabetic male patients and its relation to some biochemical markers and hormones
- The alcoholic extract of carrot ( Daucus carota L. ) seeds as antioxidant in male albino mice treated with H2O2
- Molecular study of SLC2A9 gene in diabetic asthenozoospermic Iraqi patients
- Assessment of Lantana camara L. leaf extract in wound healing in induced rabbits skin injuries
- Oxidant , Antioxidants and some biochemical parameters in patients with type 2 diabetic nephropathy
- Elevated ceruloplasmin and leucocyte count in type 2 diabetic nephropathy
- The aqueous Crude extract of carrot ( Daucus carota L. ) and its role in fertility of male albino mice
- The effect of vitamin A on testis weight and sexual glands in albino mice treated with hexavalent chromium
- Study of the interaction effect between parsley Petroselinum crispum and cadmium on lipid profile , lipid peroxidation and catalase activity of albino mice males liver and kidney
- Interaction between parsley Petroselinum crispum and cadmium : Field study on some agricultural areas in Baghdad city and experimental study on albino mice males
- Association of proinflammatory cytokines ( interleukin 6 and interleukin 8 ) with diabetes mellitus type 2 in Baghdad population
- The effect of sodium selenite on fertility of albino mice treated with hexavalent chromium
- Flow cytometric analysis of CD4 and CD8 T cell subsets in some Iraqi pateients with diabetes mellitus type 2
- The role of leptin in infertile men before and after treatment with clomiphene citrate and vitamin E
- Serum leptin level in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Effect of Apium graveolens seeds extracts in normal and hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stressed mice
- Isolation of the active proteinous compounda from celery"Apium graveolens" seeds and studying their effects in mice exposed to oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide
- Effect of aqueous extract of olive ( Olea europaea ) fruit on lipid profile in female rabbits
- Effect of antioxidants ( vitamins C and E ) on function of testes in albino mice treated with hexavalent chromium
- Effect of Aqueous extract of fig ( Ficus carica ) fruit on some hematological parameters in female rabbits
- Effects of Garlic ( Allium sativum ) extracts as antioxidants in ovariectomized female rabbits
- Detection of BRCA1 and mutation for breast cancer in sample of Iraqi women above 40 years
- Reproductive efficiency of rats whose mothers treated with lead acetate during lactation : role of vitamin E
- Effect of Glibenclamide “Daonil” and Giclazide “Diabyl” on spermatogenesis in experimental diabetic rats
- Some neuro – behavioral effects of medium wave length electromagnetic radiation in rats
- Molecular study of SCL22A12 gene in Iraqi patients with gout
- Effect of vitamin C on lipid profile in rats exposed to oxidative stress induced by sodium fluoride
- Effect of Glibenclamide “Daonil” and Giclazide “Diabyl” on spermatogenesis in experimental diabetic rats
- Effect of seed extract of Peganum harmala on epididymal sperms characters in mature male rats
- Effect of sodium selenite ontestis and accessory sex glands in rats exposed to hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress
- Effect of aqueous extract of Nigella sativa seeds on malondialdehyde and glutathione levels in some tissues of male rabbits
- Effect of aqueous extracts fenugreek seeds on body weight and some biochemical aspects in normal and alloxan induced diabetic male rabbits
- Effect of fenugreek ( Trigonella foenum - graecum ) seeds powder ( as capsule ) on certain physiological aspects of broiler chickens treated with vanadyl sulphate
- Serum glucose, cholesterol and total lipids and tissue malodialdehyde content of alloxan diabetic rats treated with aqueous extract of Cyprus rotundus tubers
- Serum glucose , cholesterol and lipid levels and lipid peroxidation in normal and alloxan- diabetic rats treated with Teucrium polium
- Certain blood biochemical changes and tissue lipid peroxidation in rats exposed to experimental hydrogen peroxide– induced oxidative stress : Effect of insulin treatment
- Certain blood biochemical changes and tissue lipid peroxidation in rats associated with starvation : Effect of insulin treatment
- Effect of aqueous extract of Olea europaea leaves on lipid peroxidation and glutathione level in certain tissues of male rabbits
- Effect of fenugreek ( Trigonella foenum-graecum ) seeds and oxytocin on blood glucose , cholesterol and total lipids in male broiler chicken
- Certain blood biochemical changes and tissue lipid peroxidation in alloxan – diabetic ovariectomized rats treated with estradiol and progesterone
- Effect of hydrogen peroxide- induced oxidative stress on certain blood constituents in rabbits
- Serum glucose ,cholesterol and total lipids levels and tissue lipid peroxidation in alloxan- diabetic rats treated with aqueous extract of Nigella sativa seeds
- Neurobehavioral effects of subsedative doses of xylazine in rats
- Compensatory ovarian hypertrophy and follicular growth in hemiovariectomied immatuer rats treated with H1 antagonists
- Serum cortisol in Awassi rams after long term treatmant with dexamethasone
- Clomiphene citrate and compensatory ovarian hypertrophy in hemiovarirectomized immature rats
- Effect of D2 dopamine receptor agonist (bromocriptine) and antagonist (sulpiride) on compensatory ovarian hypertrophy in hemiovariectomized immature rats
- Effect of H1 antagonists on compensatory testicular hypertrophy and spermatogenesis in hemiorchidectomized immature rats
- Spermatogenesis in immature rats treated with H1 and H2 antagonists
- Sexual maturity and ovarian follicular growth in immature rats treated with H1 and H2 antagonists
- Ovarian hypertrophy and serum 17 B - estradiol in hemiovariectomized immature rats treated with indomethacin and acetylsalicylic acid
- Ovarian histophysiological changes associated with administration of indomethacin and acetylsalicylic acid in immature rats
- Spermatogenesis and serum testosterone in immature rats treated with bovine follicular fluid
- Serum testosterone and initiation of spermatogenesis in indomethacin – treated immature rats
- Ovarian structural and functional changes associated with injection of bovine follicular fluid in immature rats
- Effect of diphenhydramine and promethazine on PMSG- induced ovulation in immature rats
- Effect of oxytocin on corpus luteum function in pseudopregnant mice
- Oxytocin and testicular function in immature rats
- Effect of high flouride on the reproductive performance of the male rat
- Effect of indomethacin on testicular hypertrophy in hemiorchidectomized immature rats
- Effect of diphenhydramine and chloropyramine on the reproductive performance of male rats
- Changes in ovarian function associated with oxytocin injection to immature rats
- Effect of oxytocin on PMSG- induced ovulation in immature rats
- Some acetylenic amines of potential pharmocological value
- Studies on the effect of confinement and hydrocortisone injection on certain aspects of rabbit‘s physiology
- علم الاجنة الطبي (1)
- علم الاجنة الطبي (2)
- تجارب علمية في الاحياء(1)
- تجارب علمية في الاحياء(2)
- تجارب علمية في الاحياء(3)
- علم الانسجة (1)
- علم الانسجة (2)
- علم الغدد الصماء (1)
- علم الغدد الصماء (2)
- علم بيولوجيا الانسان (1)
- علم بيولوجيا الانسان (2)
- فسلجة الغدد الصم والتكاثر في الثدييات والطيور
- علم الفسلجة البيطرية