Characteristics Analysis of Stimulated Raman Scattering Effects on Bidirectional WDM PON
This paper presents a microwave horn antenna based sensor to predict the moisture content
of N36 pineapple, pH concentrations of such pineapple for specific growing stages and
ripeness level according to that moisture and pH values. The moisture measurements are
statistically correlated to the reflected voltage of the horn-based sensor. The system is
consist of USB stick synthesizer to generate the signals, Directional coupler to collect the
reflected signal from the horn antenna, and RF diode detector to detect the reflected signal
from the sample (pineapple) under test. Measuring the pH, Moisture content using
microwave system this will increase the quality of the fruit of industrial products due to fast
measurement. A wide band horn antenna and directional coupler are used for purpose of
wide resolution range of investigation. It is seen that by increasing the power at f =10 GHz
the Vreflected will be highly correlated equation with moisture content. Matlab 2014b is
used for statistical analysis.
Utilization of SuperCYPsPred Software for Predicting Drug Interactions Mediated by Cytochrome P450 Isoenzymes in Elderly Patients Receiving Polypharmacy
م.د ليث غضنفر شريف جمعة2025
أثر استخدام الادراك البصري في تعلم مهارتي الارسال من الاسفل واستقبال الارسال في الكرة الطائرة لتلاميذ الصف الخامس الابتدائي
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أثر الادراك التحليلي في تعلم مهارتي الوقوف على
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تأثير استخدام القصص التعليمية في إرساء بعض مهارات الجمناستك الفني لأطفال الروضة بعمر (5 سنوات )
أ.م.د فاطمة كريم نعمة عبود2024
معوقات تطبيق مهارات الجمناستك الفني لطالبات المرحلة المتوسطة
أ.م.د فاطمة كريم نعمة عبود2023