ا.د. سعد محمود شكر محمود المشهداني
Iris Image Watermarking Technique for Security and Manipulation Reveal
Providing security while storing or sharing iris images has been considered as an interesting research topic and accordingly different iris image watermarking techniques have been presented. Most of the available techniques have been presented to ensure the attachment of the secret data to their related iris images or to hide a logo which can be used for copyright purposes. The previous security techniques can successfully meet their aims; however, they cannot reveal the manipulations in the iris region. This paper presents an iris image watermarking technique that can provide security and reveal manipulations in the iris region. At the sender side, the proposed technique divides the image into two regions (i.e., iris region and non-iris region) and generates the manipulation reveal data from the iris region then embeds it in the non-iris region. At the receiver side, the secret data is extracted from the non-iris region and compared with calculated data from the iris region to reveal manipulations if exist. Different experiments have been conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed technique which proved its efficiency not only in providing security but also in revealing any manipulations in the iris region.
اخر البحوث المنشورة
أثر استخدام الادراك البصري في تعلم مهارتي الارسال من الاسفل واستقبال الارسال في الكرة الطائرة لتلاميذ الصف الخامس الابتدائي
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أثر الادراك التحليلي في تعلم مهارتي الوقوف على
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تأثير الرسوم التوضيحية التعليمية على تعلم الثقافة الرياضية في لعبة الجمناستك لتلاميذ الصف الرابع الابتدائي
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