البحوث المنشورة لـ(قسم هندسة تقنيات الحاسوب)

عدد التدريسيين : 17
عدد البحوث المنشورة : 40
Color image compression based on wavelet, differential pulse code modulation and quadtree coding
2017United KingdomResearch Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Compressive Sharing System For Images Using Transform Coding and Blackely Method
2017IraqIraqi Journal for Computers and Informatics
The Use of Wavelet, DCT & Quadtree for Images Color Compression
2017IraqIraqi Journal of Science
palladium (pd) coated fiber optic hydrogen sensors : a review
2024materials science in semicoductor processing
Fabrication of PANI/ GO/ Pd nanocomposite based tapered optical fiber for hydrogen gas sensing applications
2024Materials Science in semiconductor processing
Quality Factor Improvement for Nano Cavity
2015International Journal of Computer Applications
High Quality Factor Plasmonic Laser Based on Two Cavity Design
2019International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research
New PFC design using Multiple Buck Converters
2019IndiaInternational Journal of Engineering Research & Technology
maximum power point tracking for PV simulator
2017IraqAl Rahsheed university colege first conference Iraq- Baghdad
Study of Video based Facial Expression and Emotions Recognition Methods
2017INDIAInternational Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC), IEEE, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India–2017
Fatigue Detection for the Drivers Using Video Analysis of Facial Expressions
2017INDIA8th Post Graduate Conference for Information Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India
A Real -Time Monitoring System for the Drivers Using PCA and SVM
2017INDIAInternational Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 04 Issue: 06|June–2017.
Fatigue Detection System for the Drivers Using Video Analysis of Facial Expressions
2017INDIA3rd International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control and Automation, IEEE, Pune, Maharashtra, India–2017.
Image Splicing Forgery Detection Using Local Binary Pattern and Shift Vector
2017INDIAInternational Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 7,July 2017
Detection of skin melanoma using deep learning approach
25/12/2021IndiaScience Archives
Designing the IoT based Social Distancing Monitoring System for Reducing the impact of Covid-19
2021TurkeyElementary Education Online
Vehicles for Open-Pit Mining with Smart Scheduling System for Transportation Based on 5G
2021TurkeyTurkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT)
A Systematic Analysis and Design of Skin Melanoma Detection System using Machine Learning
Developing factors for effective IT governance mechanism
2015Malaysia(Proceedings 9th Malaysian Software Engineering Conference (MySEC
Value co-creation: embedding the value elements in critical success factor for e-government system development
2010MalaysiaInternational Symposium on Information Technology
IT governance landscape: Toward understanding the effective IT governance decision-making
2015Scholedge International Journal of Business Policy & Governance
Effective IT Governance for Public Sector Based on Governance and Management Practices Consideration
2016International Journal of Academic Research in Management and Business
CSFs of Electronic Information Sharing in Iraqi SMEs
2016PakistanJournal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Assessing the performance of Information Technology Strategic Planning Performance for Organization using Performance Measurement Framework
2011IndonesiaProceedings of 2ndInternational ResearchSymposium in Service Management
Assessing the performance of Information Technology Strategic Planning Performance for Organization using Performance Measurement Framework
2012MalaysiaProceedings of International Conferenceon Computer &Information Science
Investigation of the alignment approach by achieving the ITSP alignment model
2010MalaysiaProceedings of 6thRegional Postgraduate Business Colloquium
Increasing the Success of Aligning IT and Business Strategy: A Framework for Alignment
2010Proceedings of International Research Symposium on Service Management
Evaluating the performance of Information Technology Strategic Planning using: ITSP Alignment model
2010SingaporeProceedings of Annual International Conference on Infocomm Technologies in Competitive Strategies
A secure Mobile Network Environments using Biometrics
2014العراقInternational Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Technology
An Integrated Model of The Relation Between E-Service Quality and User Satisfaction in IHL
2019Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1529 (2020) 042072
A Hybrid Segmentation Pattern of Partial Transmission in Computer Networks to Reduce the Complexity Level
A smart water grid network for water supply management systems
2022Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Proposed Parameters for Simulation and Analysis of Handover, Coverage, and Capacity for UMTS
20222022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE)
Arabic Offensive Language Classification: Leveraging Transformer, LSTM,SVM
2024New YorkIEEE
Human Computer Interface for Wheelchair Movement
2017IraqBaghdad Science Journal
Hybrid Filter for Enhancing Input Microphone-Based Discriminative Model
2020IraqIraqi Journal of Science
Arabic Command Based Human Computer Interaction
2020.UkJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Review and implement a Novel Technique of Wheelchair Movement by Using A deep Learning
Wheelchair Movement Based on Convolution Neural Network
2020IraqEngineering and Technology Journal
اخر البحوث المنشورة
أثر استخدام الادراك البصري في تعلم مهارتي الارسال من الاسفل واستقبال الارسال في الكرة الطائرة لتلاميذ الصف الخامس الابتدائي
أ.م.د فاطمة كريم نعمة عبود2023
أثر الادراك التحليلي في تعلم مهارتي الوقوف على
أ.م.د فاطمة كريم نعمة عبود2024
تأثير استخدام القصص التعليمية في إرساء بعض مهارات الجمناستك الفني لأطفال الروضة بعمر (5 سنوات )
أ.م.د فاطمة كريم نعمة عبود2024
معوقات تطبيق مهارات الجمناستك الفني لطالبات المرحلة المتوسطة
أ.م.د فاطمة كريم نعمة عبود2023
تأثير الرسوم التوضيحية التعليمية على تعلم الثقافة الرياضية في لعبة الجمناستك لتلاميذ الصف الرابع الابتدائي
أ.م.د فاطمة كريم نعمة عبود2023
البحوث المنشورة حسب الاعوام