ا.د. سعد محمود شكر محمود المشهداني

ا.د. سعد محمود شكر محمود المشهداني
so. Saad Mahmoud Shukr Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani
دكتوراه علوم حياة / بايولوجي/بايولوجي الخلية
رئيس قسم
الاسم :
ا.د. سعد محمود شكر محمود المشهدانيName :
so. Saad Mahmoud Shukr Mahmoud Al-Mashhadaniالشهادة :
دكتوراه علوم حياة / بايولوجي/بايولوجي الخليةUniversity degree :
القسم :
قسم علوم الحياةالوضيفة :
رئيس قسمعدد البحوث المنشورة :
32 بحثالكتب والمؤلفات :
0 مؤلفالمقررات المكلف بها :
0 مقررالمحاضرات الالكترونية :
0 محاظرة
- Iris Image Watermarking Technique for Security and Manipulation Reveal
- (Some aspects of soil construction in Iraq and means of its improvement (review
- Growth end generation ability of wheat callus to salt radiations
- Ion contents and water relation in wheat callus exposed to salt and radiation
- The teacher training on their performance
- Wheat tissue culture exposed to PEG induced water stress and irradiation
- Development of tolerance to salinity in tritical (Var. Maya Armacdia)
- Forest management by using matrix model
- Effect of drought on some cell morphological and physiological parameters of two wheat genotypes: (Triticum Aestivum L)
- Evaluation of eight Soybean seeds for their protein and oil conterit
- Detection of DNA polymorphisms in a number of salt tolerance barley (Hordeum Vulgera L) verities/lines
- Evaluation of eight soybean mutants for their protein and content
- Evaluation of eight wheat genotypes for drought tolerance
- Evaluation of wheat (Triticum Aestivum L) genotype to drought tolerance
- Biomass production from some food industry wastes by Sacecharonyces Cerevisise
- Cell membrane stability as a measure of drought to erarce n genotype of barley
- Plasma membrane and salinity tolerance of barley plant
- Evaluation of drought tolerance of two barley mutants
- Investigation of Niche differentiation in Talinn of ten plant species Part () Science
- Growth and regeneration ability of wheat call induced water stress and irrmdiation
- Ion content and water relation in wheat callus culture PEG induced water stress and irradiation
- Selection for drought tolerance in wheat tissue culture
- Study of physiological and morphological changes as a measure of salt tolerance in different barley genotype
- Testing salt tolerance variability of two barley mutant CV numar
- Evaluation of drought avoidance and tolerance io three barley genotypes
- Comparative study of salt tolerance of four genotypes of barley
- Response of two mutants Barley CV. Aritive to salinity
- The effect of salinity and radiation on some cellular contents and water relation in callus of four wheat cultured in vitro
- Equilibrium and dynamics of boron adsorption in some Iraqi soils
- Germination behavior of some plants as influenced by soils priory scientific publications Universi treated with different irrigation water
- Impact of SAR and salinity of water on ESP Iraqi soils aud validity of the adjusted SAR concept
- Influence of variation in water quality on precipitation and dissolution on Lime in some Iraqi soils