Al-Rasheed University College

An Iraqi private academic institution located in the province of Baghdad and includes (15) departments within the medical, scientific and humanitarian specializations.


About Al-Rasheed University College

is an Iraqi private College locates in the province of Baghdad and includes (15) departments within the medical, scientific and humanitarian specializations. The college is equipped with the latest classrooms and scientific laboratories and seeks with clear steps towards success to prepare a new generation distinguished in its academic, applied and scientific capabilities to meet the needs of the community By relying on the latest scientific approaches to keep pace with global developments and modern technology. The college has provided capable staff who hold doctorate and master’s degrees for the benefit of our students to ensure their access to the doors of success. Also, Al-Rasheed University College constantly seeks to support various scientific and research activities by holding seminars, scientific workshops, conferences and courses, in addition to supporting its staff to publish scientific research in authentic international journals.


  • Aspiration and striving for Al-Rasheed University College to be a distinguished scientific edifice in scientific research and community service according to well-studied and systematic scientific plans in order to achieve leadership in higher education and scientific research.


  • Al-Rasheed University College works on developing human capabilities by adhering to distinguished standards and programs in the fields of education and scientific research and graduating qualified human cadres with high cognitive skills in all disciplines, meeting the needs of society and the labor market.

strategic plan

  • The vision, mission and core values of the new college have become a real motive for all members of the college in the possibility of implementing the new college’s strategy, as well as being based on a comprehensive and accurate strategic analysis that aims to achieve the strategic goals to provide the best educational level for our students and create a scientific research environment commensurate with the developments in the higher education sector globally (Download Strategic Plan 2021-2026)


polonia process

polonia process

Work ethics guide

One of the publications of the Quality Assurance and University Performance Division


5200 graduates since 2012

Acdemic Syllabuses

Academic Syllabuses and their details with units for all the departments

On-line lectures

On-line lectures for current and previous academic years

specification program

specification program

lectures time-table

weekly lectures time-table with the teaching hours and teching classrooms

college staf lecturers

college staf lecturers

Staff Lecturers Researches

Staff Lecturers Researches


Puplications and books which are written by college staff lecturers

International classifications

International classifications in which AL-Rasheed university college achieves highly ranks

Round University Ranking







UI GreenMetric







male and female student

college staff lectures

educational Lab.


college staff lecturers

the college includes an a lite of teaching staff of more than 302


What are the requireaments for registration in Al-Rasheed College?

the requireaments that must be availlable for registration at Al-Rasheed University College

Documents required for registration at Al-Rasheed University College

Documents required for registration

The departments available in the college

the departments of the college are 11 departments

Minimum average

Minimum acceptance averages of the college departments

Tuition fees

Tuition fees for the current year

Student Guide

Student Guide for the current academic year