البحوث المنشورة لـ(قسم هندسة تقنيات الاجهزة الطبية)

عدد التدريسيين : 14
عدد البحوث المنشورة : 51
Features extraction of fingerprints based on hybrid particle swarm optimization and bat algorithms
2022UkraineEastern-European journal of enterprise technologies ISSN 1729-3774
Characteristics Analysis of Stimulated Raman Scattering Effects on Bidirectional WDM PON
Determination Of Moisture Content, Ph And Ripeness Levels Of Pineapple Using Horn Antenna-Based Reflectometer
Milk Pasteurization and Characterization Using Mono-Mode Microwave Reactor and Slotted Coaxial Antenna
Emerging Microwave Technologies for Agricultural and Food Processing
Optimisation of Heating Uniformity for Milk Pasteurisation Using Microwave Coaxial Slot Applicator System
2022UKBiosystems Engineering
Conversion of polyethylene terephthalate plastic waste and phenol steam reforming to hydrogen and valuable liquid fuel: Synthesis effect of Ni–Co/ZrO2 nanostructured catalysts
2020USAInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Evaluation of AND-CFAR and OR-CFAR Processors under Different Clutter Models
2013Eng. & Tech. Journal
Study and Analysis of Channel Simulation Models for 5G Networks
2019Journal of Engineering and Applied Science
Planning and Optimization of 5G mobile network for Al-Najaf city (phase I)
20195th International Engineering Conference (IEC2019)
Study and Analysis of Intra-cell Interference and Inter-cell Interference for 5G network
2020Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development
Investigation of the Effect Different Antenna parameters (Height, Tilt, and Power) on Network Coverage and System Capacity
2020American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS)
Study and Analysis of Channel Simulation Models for 5G Networks
2018Journal of Engineering and Applied Science
Design and analysis of frequency reconfigurable antenna for global positioning system applications
2021Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Evaluation of Electromagnetic Pollution of Cellular Mobile Network
2022International Scientific Congress of Pure, Applied and Technological Sciences (Minar Congress)
Characteristics Analysis of (6G) Wireless Networks: Review, Vision, Challenges
2022American Academic Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences
Anti-Disturbance Compensation-Based Nonlinear Control for a Class of MIMO Uncertain Nonlinear Systems
2021switzerlandMultidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Intelligent Fault Detection and Identification Approach for Analog Electronic Circuits Based on Fuzzy Logic Classifier
23-11-2021سويسراelectronics / MDPI
Adaptive backstepping sliding mode control design for vibration suppression of earth-quaked building supported by magneto-rheological damper
16-12-2021EnglandJournal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control
Design and Analysis of a Novel Generalized Continuous Tracking Differentiator
23-12-2021مصرAin Shams Engineering Journal
A relative degree one modified active disturbance rejection control for four-tank level control system
2022هنكارياInternational Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering
A New Nonlinear Controller Design for a TCP/AQM Network Based on Modified Active Disturbance Rejection Control
2022اندونيسياJournal of Engineering Science and Technology
Robust reversible watermarking scheme using Slantlet transform matrix
2014United StatesJournal of systems and software 88, 74-86
A new robust lossless data hiding scheme and its application to color medical images
2015United StatesDigital Signal Processing 38, 77-94
Image watermarking using slantlet transform
2012Bandung, Indonesia2012 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications, 281-286
Medical image authentication using SLT and IWT schemes
2017United StatesMultimedia Tools and Applications 76 (1), 309-332
Capacity improved robust lossless image watermarking
2014United KingdomIET Image Processing journal
ECG classification using slantlet transform and artificial neural network
2010IraqJournal of Engineering 16 (1), 4510-4528
Robust reversible watermarking scheme based on wavelet-like transform
2013Melaka, MalaysiaIEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing
The use of watermarking technique in controlling the security and privacy of the iris images
2018IraqThe 2nd international scientific conference for Al-Nisour University College
Visible watermarking technique with the ability of selecting a specific region of image to embed the watermark
2017IraqThe 1st scientific conference for Al Rasheed University College
Adjustable Visible Watermarking Scheme Based on Statistical Measure of Randomness in image
2017IraqJournal of Dijlah University College
A New Robust Reversible Watermarking Method in the Transform Domain
2014Springer, SingaporeLecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
Improved Steganography Techniques for Different Types of Secret Data
2019United StatesAdvances in Systems Science and Applications
Review of Cryptography Applications in eHealth Security Systems
2019International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations
ات النشر العلمي في المجلات المعتمدة و كيفية تجنب المجلات المفترسة
Multi-Biometric Watermarking Scheme Based on Interactive Segmentation Process
2019HungaryPeriodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
A Study of Robust Reversible Image Watermarking Based on Slantlet Transform
2015Universiti Sains Malaysia
A New Low Cost Solar Array Emulator Based on Fuzzy and 32-Bit Microcontroller
2020Islamic Republic of IranInternational Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations
Tampering Reveal Technique for Iris Images
2020United Arab EmiratesInternational Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security
Review of Medical Images Security Approaches
2020Islamic Republic of IranInternational Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations
Review of medical image authentication techniques and their recent trends
2021Netherlandsmultimedia tools and applications
1/2/2022MalaysiaJournal of Engineering Science and Technology
Highly Sensitive Hydrogen Sensor Based on Palladium-Coated Tapered Optical Fiber at Room Temperature
14 November 20207th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications
Wavelength Dependent Graphene Oxide-Based Optical Microfiber Sensor for Ammonia Gas
14 January 2021
Room Temperature Hydrogen Sensing Based on Tapered Optical Fiber Coated with Polyaniline (PANI)
1 July 2021
Graphene oxide nanocomposite for hydrogen gas sensing application based in tapered optical fiber
Field Measurement and Empirical Models for Radio Signal Propagation Prediction in Baghdad
2020IEEE Explore: Scientific International Conference on Najaf (SICN)
Performance Evaluation of 2G and 3G Networks in the City of Baghdad
2020IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
On the coefficients of the ehrhart tensor polynomial
2020IraqIT-ELA 2020:Baghdad Collage of Economic Sciences University ,Iraq,Baghdad
اخر البحوث المنشورة
أثر استخدام الادراك البصري في تعلم مهارتي الارسال من الاسفل واستقبال الارسال في الكرة الطائرة لتلاميذ الصف الخامس الابتدائي
أ.م.د فاطمة كريم نعمة عبود2023
أثر الادراك التحليلي في تعلم مهارتي الوقوف على
أ.م.د فاطمة كريم نعمة عبود2024
تأثير استخدام القصص التعليمية في إرساء بعض مهارات الجمناستك الفني لأطفال الروضة بعمر (5 سنوات )
أ.م.د فاطمة كريم نعمة عبود2024
معوقات تطبيق مهارات الجمناستك الفني لطالبات المرحلة المتوسطة
أ.م.د فاطمة كريم نعمة عبود2023
تأثير الرسوم التوضيحية التعليمية على تعلم الثقافة الرياضية في لعبة الجمناستك لتلاميذ الصف الرابع الابتدائي
أ.م.د فاطمة كريم نعمة عبود2023
البحوث المنشورة حسب الاعوام